360 GRAND EST 2023



IMT Grand Est

Directeur du Soutien au Développement Économique et à l’Innovation


Doctor from the Institut Polytechnique de Lorraine, in Biological and Medical Engineering (1990), specialized in imaging digital and medical (3D), Denis Abraham has an intense professional life as he is Director of Economic Development and Innovation Support at the Institut Mines Télécom Grand Est, Co-founder of 2 Living Labs, in particular PROMETEE*, Co -founder of the Forum des Living Labs Santé Autonomie (Forum LLSA), which he has chaired for 2 years, Operational Director of Innov' Autonomie. Denis has held several positions in the field of mainly private research, but also academic, in the fields of metrology/sensors, ICT – networks, audio-visual content, terminals. Its recognized expertise in Quality of Service, Quality of Experience and Subjective Tests led him naturally to Usage Tests

Find here the list of all the sessions presented by this speaker in order not to miss any of it.