360 GRAND EST 2023


Thomas TALEC

Groupement Hospitalier de territoire (GHT) Nord-Ardennes



Thomas Talec began his career as Director of Medical Affairs at the Center Hospitalier Universitaire de Clermont-Ferrand, then as Director of the CH de Riom, Director of Financial Affairs for the Assistance-Publique des Hôpitaux de Marseille, Director of the Center Hospitalier Sud Essonne, Director of the care offer of the Regional Health Agency of Champagne Ardenne, then Deputy Director of the care offer of the ARS Grand Est, Deputy General Manager of the center Paul Strauss, Deputy General Manager of the CHR of Metz-Thionville, to take the direction in 2021 of the Hospital Group of the Northern Ardennes Territory. The Groupement Hospitalier du Territoire Nord Ardennes and the establishments that make it up, namely the CH intercommunal Nord Ardennes (public MCO health establishment in the Ardennes), the CH Belair (public mental health establishment in the Ardennes), the GCS polyclinic TAN, the GCS IHA logistics, EHPAD Rocroi. The CH Nord Ardennes is in the list of the 50 most important French hospitals, with more than 1,500 beds, a budget of nearly 250 million euros and more than 3,300 health professionals. The CH Belair is the only mental health provider in the department, with nearly 400 beds and places. The GCS TAN is the vehicle for cooperation between the CH Nord Ardennes and the grouping of two clinics, relocated within the CH Nord Ardennes. Among the specific achievements since taking up the position, it can be noted: the production and validation of a public-private oncopôle project, the production and validation of the real estate master plan of CH Belair providing for its complete reconstruction, the obtaining authorization for coronary angiography, continuing to manage the covid crisis, setting up the first two regional medical teams, signing a research agreement with the CHU, obtaining the first university hospital position of the Ardennes.

Find here the list of all the sessions presented by this speaker in order not to miss any of it.