360 GRAND EST 2023



Pôle Emploi

Directrice régionale Grand Est


Holder of a DESS in labor law and social relations from the University of Paris X Nanterre, Virginie Coppens Menager began her career at Sagem, an aeronautics company in the Paris region. as assistant to the director of human resources before taking up the position of director of human resources for the Sagem manufacturing center in Chazelles-Lyon. In 2002, she joined the Center region where she occupied successively the positions of HRD and Secretary General of Assedic. In 2008, the merger of ANPE and Assedic required a complete overhaul of the administrative organization and financial support for the new structure, Pôle emploi. Virginie Coppens Menager has been appointed Deputy Regional Director in charge of Support Functions to ensure the implementation and optimization of HRD policies and administrative and financial management. Two years later, she became Deputy Regional Director in charge of Production and Services, then acted as interim regional director of Pôle emploi Centre-Val de Loire during six months. In June 2012, Virginie Coppens Menager joined the general management of Pôle emploi to work alongside the deputy general manager in charge of human resources. It will thus support the design and implementation of HR management policies and processes for the establishment's 50,000 employees. After five years at headquarters, she will take over the regional management of Pôle emploi Centre-Val De Loire. A reservist citizen of the National Gendarmerie at the rank of lieutenant-colonel, Virginie Coppens Menager is also a Knight of the National Order of Merit, "a commitment that reflects my deep civic values and my desire to bring my skills to the service of the collective" specifies she. She was appointed Regional Director of Pôle emploi Grand Est on March 1, 2023 by General Manager Jean Bassères.

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